癒しのねこ系Youtuber 最新動画まとめ

Tiny Kitten

Nico, a kitten, is going to a new foster family.

Last updated 2024-08-13 20:00:23



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Thank you, viewers, for your continued support of Tiny Kitten. I have been sharing with you the progress of kitten Nico, and I announce that Nico will be leaving for a new foster home. It is with great regret that we have to temporarily say goodbye to Nico with today's video. Nico's new foster family is a friend of mine who already has a cat at home. Her family also loves cats, and I am sure they will raise Nico with a lot of love and care. So I hope that all viewers will be able to rest assured. Some of you may be sorry that you will not be able to see Nico anymore, but I hope that his foster parents will send me videos of Nico regularly so that I can share them with you. From now on, I will continue to send you videos of Mimi, Lili, Charo, Choco, Latte, Toppo, and Pucca growing up and their cute everyday lives, so please continue to support us. ================== ✅ Click here to register for Tiny Kitten membership!  →https://youtube.com/@cocomimikiki/join ================== Have a look at the daily life of my cats. *Important announcement about us  → https://youtu.be/RbtJiWQtoHg *Kiki the cat became a mother  → https://youtu.be/mK3JQ8TRfwk *About Kiki’s husband  →https://youtu.be/eajplgKxN1U ✅ Subscribe to my channel↓ https://youtube.com/@cocomimikiki ✅ Lazy Kitten is here https://youtube.com/@lazykitten00 □ Coco Grandfather / Munchkin / Black and White □ Mimi Grandmother / British Shorthair / Golden □ Kiki Daughter / Munchkin / Brown tabby □ Lili Daughter / Munchkin / Brown tabby #cat #cats #kitten #kittens #tinykitten #lazykitten #kiki
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