癒しのねこ系Youtuber 最新動画まとめ

Tiny Kitten

I would like to inform you about the medical condition of Coco the cat.

Last updated 2023-11-19 20:00:24



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Thank you for your continued support of Tiny Kitten. Today, I would like to inform everyone about Coco's medical condition. Yesterday, we visited the veterinary clinic and he had a blood test. As it turns out, Coco's condition is not very good. Coco's disease is progressing faster than I had imagined and he is so weak that he will not accept any food unless I feed and water him. He has managed to keep his condition under control while receiving intravenous drips at the veterinary clinic yesterday and today, but it is very difficult for him to make a full recovery. I am very sorry for all the sad news that I have been giving you recently. I am also very shocked and am unable to sort out my feelings. For now, I would just like to try to provide as much support as possible with the cooperation of the veterinarian so that I can stay with Coco for as long as possible. I will report back to you if there are any changes. Finally, I would like to thank everyone who gave him encouraging comments on last video. After reading your comments, I realized once again that Coco is loved by many people, and my heart was filled with emotion. Coco is really doing his best, and I hope that you will send him power. ================== ✅ Click here to register for Tiny Kitten membership!  →https://youtube.com/@cocomimikiki/join ================== Have a look at the daily life of my cats. *Important announcement about us  → https://youtu.be/RbtJiWQtoHg *Kiki the cat became a mother  → https://youtu.be/mK3JQ8TRfwk *About Kiki’s husband  →https://youtu.be/eajplgKxN1U ✅ Subscribe to my channel↓ https://youtube.com/@cocomimikiki ✅ Lazy Kitten is here https://youtube.com/@lazykitten00 □ Coco Grandfather / Munchkin / Black and White □ Mimi Grandmother / British Shorthair / Golden □ Kiki Daughter / Munchkin / Brown tabby □ Lili Daughter / Munchkin / Brown tabby #cat #cats #kitten #kittens #tinykitten #lazykitten #kiki
癒しのねこ系ちゃんねる ぼすおCH / bosuoCH 【子ライオン】みにら日記‐MINIRA‐Diary‐ PECOチャンネルさん【癒やしのペット動画】 犬と猫の親バカ日記 ハスキー&トイプー&スコティッシュ 猫のデュフィとルノ Fauvism Cat Dufy and Renoir 《あつし》Channel@猫たちと一緒 猫のあお & ハク・シネマ かご猫 Blog もちまる日記 ねこほうチャンネル チャンネルひふみ Tiny Kitten おかわりプリン【サブチャンネル】 ニャンチューバーつくし 【関西弁でしゃべる猫】 てん動画 ひのき猫 はぴ猫日記 ねこほうの日常 感動猫動画 MAKO0MAKO0 / まこまこ Cute kitten(双子の子猫のわんぱく日記) やまねこと猫 リキちゃんねる【ネコのリキ】 ポムさんとしまちゃん / ねこべや。 スコスコぽこ太郎&うま次郎〜猫ちゃんねる〜 ねこつるTV 短足マンチカンのプリンとメル ちゅー猫チャンネル 《あつし》ん家!!~ティガロニべ屋~ 猫のレモンと犬のポテチちゃんねる わっさぶチャンネル ふうちゃんらいちゃんねる I am Maru. TOMIKKU NET 2nd CH ちゃみとマイミーチャンネル あにまるほんぽ 茶々カプさくら にゃんたまHOUSE Afro Blue ワビサビちゃんねる あにまるず Animals 猫は液体 pocomo life コノポックル 猫と主婦の秘密基地 うにむぎはちむーの保護猫シェルター Hana Channel.保護猫ライフ クロねこクロすけ in クロアチア チョコまんじゅうch Cat Navi Desk みろとたものおうち しゃべるねこ、しおちゃん つむチャンネル。 猫猫との暮らし 10 Cats.ᐩ TOMIKKU NET 2nd CH いなりチャンネル ぽんずちゃんねる フィリクス猫チャンネル☆ アルルのねこねこチャンネル シュウマイとハルマキ