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NOB [ノブ ]

[Rehabilitation mountain climbing] Strong winds and rain. I tried to get back into mountain climb...

Last updated 2025-02-16 20:15:07



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This time I went hiking to Kitahira Pass in Shiga Prefecture! I enjoyed camping in a tent! It was tough at first and I thought I would be unable to do anything But hiking is so much fun after all⛰️ Nature Hike Down Pants https://amzn.to/4hFGqER NANGA UDD1000DX https://amzn.to/3EHa76I ⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒ 🎥BLINK HP https://www.blinklife.online/ 🌿NOB Instagram https://instagram.com/nob.camp?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= 📱Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@nob_camp?_t=8V0gOWnTBB3&_r=1 💈Beauty salon reservation site https://coubic.com/blink21/741681 👉10 minutes walk from Nagoya Station! I'm also a hairdresser! We look forward to seeing you! ⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒ オープニング 00:00 登山開始前に。。 00:15 登山開始! 01:14 ついに山頂到着 05:23 ポイントと登山ギア 06:00 夜の北ひら 11:50 朝コーヒー 19:20 エンディング 21:14 ⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒ 🏕This video is also recommended🏕 [Solo camping] Repeat guaranteed. A hidden campsite is a cool secret base in the woods. ~Nob Cinema~ https://youtu.be/oCAx64hX6gA [Rainy camping] How to enjoy rainy camping even during the rainy season. ~Okunoda Hills New Site~ https://youtu.be/A7DjeJAZJAU [Sleeping in a car] Get super drunk with simple camping food made by a 5th year camper. https://youtu.be/nWsjsryH0-4 ⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒ #camping #Kitahira Pass #mountain climbing ⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒¨⌒ 📷Equipment used📹 main/SONY α7sIII α7Ⅳ lens/sony24 f1.4GM sony50 f1.2GM sony100-400 f4.5-f5.6GM sigma24-70mm f2.8 art sigma85mmf1.4 art sab/sony α7 III ………………..Thank you for watching🌱………………