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I like chocolate banana. I also like donuts. I tried combining them. It was a little sweet because the banana was ripe enough. Reduce the sugar depending on the banana.
*Recipe* (Makes 6 pieces,7.5cm)
2 small bananas (120 g net)
45 g sugar
20 g unsalted butter
2 egg yolks (or 1 whole egg)
75 g cake flour
4 g baking powder
40 g milk (50g if using 1 whole egg)
48 g chocolate
How to make
1.Put 2 small bananas (120g net), 45g sugar, and 20g unsalted butter in a heatproof bowl and microwave at 600w for 50 seconds.
2.Mash the bananas with a masher or similar.
3.When the mixture cools down to body temperature, add 2 egg yolks and mix. I used only egg yolks to get the yellow color of the banana (it didn't work so well), but you can replace them with one whole egg. In that case, add 50g of milk instead of 40g after this.
4.Sift in 75g cake flour and 4g baking powder and fold.
5.While the mixture is still a little powdery, add 40 g of milk.
6.Pour the dough into a lightly greased donut mold.
7.Tap lightly on the counter and bake in a preheated oven at 180℃ for 18 minutes.
8.Leave the baked donuts to cool until the heat is removed.
9.Remove from the mold.
10.Wash the molds, wipe dry, and put each mold with 8 g of chocolate.
11.Heat in the microwave to melt the chocolate. I heated it at 500W for 1 minute, then 30 seconds, then 30 seconds, but I couldn't melt all the chocolate properly. In the end, I melted it in a double boiler.
12.Place the baked donuts on top of the melted chocolate.
13.Cool in the refrigerator.
14.Done. Chocolate bananas are a sure thing.
I didn't temper the chocolate, so the chocolate coating softens quickly and is weak. It would be best if I tempered it properly, but it's a hassle. Haha.
*レシピ*(7.5cm 6個分)
小さなバナナ 2本(正味120g)
砂糖 45g
無塩バター 20g
卵黄 2個(もしくは全卵 1個)
薄力粉 75g
ベーキングパウダー 4g
牛乳 40g(全卵1個を使う場合は50g)
チョコレート 48g
1.耐熱ボウルに小さなバナナ 2本(正味120g)、砂糖 45g、無塩バター 20gを入れ、600wの電子レンジで50秒加熱する。
3.人肌くらいに冷めたら、卵黄 2個を入れ混ぜる。バナナの黄色に近づけたくて、卵黄のみを使いました(あんま効果なかった 汗)が、全卵 1個に置き換えることができます。その場合は、この後に入れる牛乳を50gにしてください。
4.薄力粉 75g、ベーキングパウダー 4gをふるい入れ、さっくり混ぜる。
5.粉気が少し残った状態で、牛乳 40gを入れ混ぜる。