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I made a large strawberry cake with 34 strawberries using Ghana Pink Chocolate, which is only available this season. The room was filled with the aroma of strawberries while making and eating! The red of the strawberries and the pink of the cake made for a very pretty cake.
*Recipe* (for two 24cm round molds)
For pink cake
Vegetable oil to taste
400 g cake flour
80 g almond powder
24 g strawberry powder
16 g baking powder
280 g Ghana pink chocolate (6 slices and a bit)
480 g unsalted butter, brought to room temperature
320g sugar
8 eggs at room temperature
120 g room temperature fresh cream
For decoration
about 280g frozen whipped cream
34 strawberries
How to make:
Bake the pink cake
1.Grease the mold with vegetable oil.
2.Sift together 400g of cake flour, 80g of almond powder, 24g of strawberry powder, and 16g of baking powder.
3.Break 280 g (a little more than 6 slices) of Ghana pink chocolate into small pieces and melt them in a double boiler.
4.Beat in 480 g unsalted butter at room temperature until softened.
5.Add 320 g sugar and mix until the mixture is soft and white.
6.Crack in 8 room temperature eggs one at a time and mix.
7.Add (3) and mix.
8.Add 120g of room temperature fresh cream and mix.
9.Add (2) and fold.
10.Pour the mixture into the mold (1).
11.Tap the mold to release air and flatten with a spatula.Make a slight indentation in the center.
12.Bake in an oven preheated to 180℃ for 20 minutes, lower the temperature to 170℃, cover with foil, and bake for 33 minutes.
13.Check if it is done baking by inserting a bamboo skewer into it.
14.After removing the heat, cut and trim the thickness.
15.When cool, remove from the mold. This time, I refrigerated it overnight before taking it out. Unfortunately, I could not remove the silicon mold leaving the pattern.
16.Pipe whipped cream onto the pink cake (I used about 280g).This time, I used frozen whipped cream (very convenient!).I defrosted it the night before on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
17.Garnish with 34 strawberries.
18.Done.The best.
*レシピ*(24cmの丸型 2個分)
植物油 適宜
薄力粉 400g
アーモンドプードル 80g
いちごパウダー 24g
ベーキングパウダー 16g
ガーナピンクチョコレート 280g(6枚とちょっと)
室温に戻した 無塩バター 480g
砂糖 320g
室温に戻した卵 8個
常温の生クリーム 120g
業務スーパーのアマンディホイップ 280g程度
いちご 34個
2.薄力粉 400gとアーモンドプードル 80g、いちごパウダー 24g、ベーキングパウダー 16gを合わせてふるっておく。
3.ガーナピンクチョコレート 280g(6枚とちょっと)を小さく割り、湯煎で溶かす。
4.室温に戻した 無塩バター 480gを柔らかくなるまで混ぜる。
5.砂糖 320gを入れ、しろっぽくふんわりするまで混ぜる。
6.室温に戻した卵 8個を1つずつ割り入れ混ぜる。
8.常温にした生クリーム 120gを入れ混ぜる。
17.いちご 34個を飾る。