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The shape is free. I made a luxurious churro that is covered with powdered sugar, fresh cream, strawberries, and chocolate sauce all in a generous amount.Freshly made and deep-fried homemade churros are the best.
100 g cake flour
100 g bread flour
320 g milk
70 g salted butter
15 g sugar
2 beaten eggs and about ½ (130g)
Salad oil as appropriate
powdered sugar
fresh cream
chocolate sauce
How to make
1.Mix or sift together 100 g cake flour and 100 g bread flour.
2.Put 320g of milk, 70g of salted butter, and 15g of sugar in a pot, heat, and bring to a boil.
3.Add the flour mixture from (1) and knead with a spatula.
4.Knead well until the dough is smooth.
5.When smooth, remove from heat and place in a bowl.
6.Add 2 and 1/2 beaten eggs in 4 parts, checking the consistency, and mix each time.If the dough is too stiff, it will be difficult to squeeze out.Keep an eye on it and put it in.This time I added 130g of eggs.
7.Set a star-shaped tip in a double-layered piping bag and pour the dough into the bag.
8.Squeeze the dough out onto the baking paper. It is hard to squeeze out, so do your best.
9.Heat oil to 160℃ and deep-fry the dough with the baking paper.Remove the baking paper when it comes off.
10.When it turns a nice golden brown, remove it from the oil.
11.Place the churro on a plate and sprinkle with plenty of powdered sugar, fresh cream, strawberries, and chocolate sauce.
薄力粉 100g
強力粉 100g
牛乳 320g
有塩バター 70g
砂糖 15g
溶き卵 2個と½ほど(130g)
サラダ油 適宜
1.薄力粉 100gに強力粉 100gを合わせ、よく混ぜるか、ふるっておく。
2.鍋に牛乳 320g、有塩バター 70g、砂糖 15gを入れ火にかけ、沸騰させる。
6.溶き卵 2個と1/2を固さを見ながら4回に分けて入れ都度、混ぜる。生地は固すぎると絞り出しづらいです。様子を見ながら入れましょう。今回は130gの卵を入れました。
7. 二重にした絞り袋に星口金をセットし、生地を入れる。