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I made an open apple pie by rolling up a commercially frozen pie sheet. All you have to do is roll up the pie and put the apples on top.How about a crispy, cute looking, easy to make pie?
*Recipe* (for three 7.5 cm pies)
10g unsalted butter
13g honey
2 frozen pie sheets 10×18cm
5g butter
3g granulated sugar
Half an apple
How to make
1.Use 2 frozen pie sheets 10×18cm. Divide each lengthwise into 5 equal pieces. Cut one of them into three equal pieces.
2.Loosely roll up the puff pastry. For each pie roll, use 3 cut puff pastry sheets and 1 pie sheet cut into 3 equal parts. Make 3 of the same one and cover with 7.5cm cercle.
3.Add 13g of honey to 10g of unsalted butter, cover with plastic wrap, and heat in a 600W microwave for 50 seconds to melt the unsalted butter. Stir until blended.
4.Bake (2) in a preheated oven at 180℃ for 30 minutes. Remove the pie from the oven, turn it over, and then press the top of the pie down with a spatula.
5.Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 6 minutes.
6.Remove from the oven. Preheat the oven to 200℃.
7.Divide 5g of butter into equal parts and spread on the surface of the pie.
8.Divide 3g of granulated sugar into equal parts and sprinkle on the surface of the pie.
9.Cut half an apple into thin slices and place on top of the pie.
10.Brush the apples with (1).
11.Bake in a preheated oven at 200℃ for 10 minutes.
12.Done. Crispy. It's not too sweet, but it's delicious. I like frozen pie sheets.
*レシピ*(7.5cmのパイ 3個分)
無塩バター 10g
ハチミツ 13g
冷凍パイシート 10✖️18cm 2枚
バター 5g
グラニュー糖 3g
りんご 半個
1.冷凍パイシート 10✖️18cm 2枚を使います。それぞれを縦長に5等分する。そのうち1本は3等分にしておく。
3.無塩バター 10gにハチミツ 13gを入れラップをかけ、600wの電子レンジで50秒加熱し無塩バターを溶かす。混ぜておく。
7.バター 5gを等分し、パイの表面に塗る。
8.グラニュー糖 3gを等分し、パイの表面にふりかける。
9.りんご 半個を薄く切ったものをパイの上にのせる。