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I made a fruit-filled dessert made with the raspberry flavor of Jell-O. The bright red raspberry Jell-O colored fruit combined with the rich cream created a dessert that I could eat as much as I wanted. Still, it's bright red.
*Recipe* (for one 15 cm square mold)
140g canned pineapple
90g canned pineapple syrup
Water to taste
85g raspberry Jell-O
88g water
200g berry mix (frozen)
115g cream cheese
30g sugar
85g whipped cream
How to make
1.Take out 90g of syrup from a can of pineapple and combine with water to make 115g.
2.Take out 140g of pineapple fruit from the can and chop it into pieces.
3.Mix 200g of frozen berry mixture with the pineapple from (2). Pour into a mold.
4.Put the syrup water from (1) into a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
5.Add 85 g raspberry flavor Jell-O and stir for 3 minutes to dissolve the Jell-O.
6.Add 88 g of water and stir.
7.Pour (6) into (3) and refrigerate for 1.5 to 2 hours until the jelly is set.
8.Softly knead 115g of cream cheese with 30g of sugar. Mix with 85g of whipped cream.
9.Pour (8) on top of (7) and chill again for about 2 hours.
10.Done. The jelly is filled with fruit. A highly satisfying and cool dessert is now ready.
*レシピ*(15cm スクエア型 1個分)
パイナップル缶の実 140g
パイナップル缶のシロップ 90g
水 適宜
ジェロー ラズベリー味 85g
水 88g
クリームチーズ 115g
砂糖 30g
ホイップクリーム 85g
5.ジェローのラズベリー味 85gを入れ、3分間混ぜジェローを溶かす。
6.水 88gを入れ混ぜる。
8.クリームチーズ 115gに砂糖 30gを入れ、柔らかく練る。ホイップクリーム 85gと混ぜ合わせる。