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I made a very summery jelly using bright red tomatoes.The jelly is sweetened with honey, but it goes well with midi tomatoes and is recommended to make ahead of time. Serve well chilled.
*Recipe* ( for one 14✕11 cm square mold )
Midi tomatoes as needed
150ml water
90g honey
6-7g agar agar powder
300ml unsalted tomato juice
How to make:
1.Remove the stem of the midi tomato and make a hole on the opposite side of the stem with a toothpick.
2.Put the midi tomatoes in a pot of boiling water, remove after 15 seconds, and plunge into cold water.
3.Peel off the skin.
4.Line up the midi tomatoes in a wet mold and refrigerate.
Make the jelly liquid,
5.Mix 150ml of water and 90g of honey in a pot.
6.Mix in 6-7g agar powder and heat over medium heat.
7.Bring to a boil, heat for 1 minute, and remove from heat.
8.Mix in 300 ml of unsalted tomato juice (heated in a microwave oven) heated to about 60℃.
9.Pour the jelly liquid cooled to about 55℃ into (4). Approximately 2/3 of the jelly liquid remains.
10.Chill in refrigerator.
11.Done. Even if you fail, you will not be defeated.
真っ赤なトマトを使った、思いっきり夏らしいゼリーを作りました。ゼリーはハチミツを入れ、甘くしてありますが、ミディトマトとよく合って、作り置きにも おすすめです。よーく冷やして召し上がれ。
*レシピ*(14✕11センチ角型 1個分)
ミディトマト 適宜
水 150ml
ハチミツ 90g
粉寒天 6〜7g
無塩トマトジュース 300ml
5.鍋に水 150ml、ハチミツ 90gを入れ混ぜる。
6.粉寒天 6〜7gを入れ混ぜ、中火にかける。
8.60℃程度に温めた無塩トマトジュース 300ml(電子レンジで温めました)を入れ混ぜる。