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I made a baked cheesecake, using Oreos for the cream cheese dough and bottom.
It got too browned, but it was still delicious.
*Recipe* (for 1 x 18 cm pound mold)
18 Oreos
21g milk
146g cream cheese (9 Kiri cream cheeses)
40g sugar
1 egg
145g fresh cream
5g lemon juice
20g cornstarch
Fresh cream, Oreo bits as needed
How to make
1.Make the bottom. Crush 18 Oreo pieces. A coarse crust is recommended for texture.
2.Set aside 30g of the crushed Oreos to mix into the cheese cream dough.
3.Mix the remaining dough from (1) with 21g of milk.
4.Spread the bottom dough from (3) on a baking sheet lined to fit a pound cake mold to a thickness of about 6mm.
5.Place the bottom dough, along with the baking sheet, into the pound cake mold. Keep in the refrigerator.
6.Make the cheese cream dough. Softly knead 146g of room temperature cream cheese (9 Kiri cream cheese cubes).
7.Add 40g of sugar and mix.
8.Add 1 beaten egg, 145g of fresh cream, 5g of lemon juice, and 20g of cornstarch, in that order, mixing each time.
9.Add the Oreos from (2) and mix.
10.Pour the cream cheese batter into the bottom of (5). I was afraid it would overflow, so I left out 2 tablespoons of the cream cheese batter. It might have been fine if I had added more.
11.Bake in a preheated oven at 170°C for 40 minutes. It got too browned.Try covering with foil halfway through, or shortening the cooking time depending on the condition.
12.After baking, remove from heat and refrigerate.
13.Cut into pieces.
14.Done. Garnish with whipped cream and Oreo bits. Delicious with a subtle sweetness.
*レシピ*(18cm パウンド型 1個分)
オレオ 18枚
牛乳 21g
クリームチーズ 146g(キリのクリチ 9個)
砂糖 40g
卵 1個
生クリーム 145g
レモン汁 5g
コーンスターチ 20g
生クリーム、オレオビッツ 適宜
1.ボトムを作ります。オレオ 18枚をくだきます。食感的に少し粗目がおすすめです。
3.(1)の残りの生地に牛乳 21gを混ぜる。
6.チーズクリーム生地を作ります。室温にしたクリームチーズ 146g(キリのクリチ 9個)を柔らかく練る。
7.砂糖 40gを入れ混ぜる。
8.溶いた卵 1個、生クリーム 145g、レモン汁 5g、コーンスターチ 20gを順に入れその都度混ぜる。
10 .(5)のボトムの中にチーズクリーム生地を流し込む。溢れるのが怖くて、チーズクリーム生地を大さじ 2 残しました。入れても大丈夫だったかも。。。